The package, and the boomerang effect! - I Want My Mail

The package, and the boomerang effect!

The package, and the boomerang effect! What is meant by this? When you auto-ship an item, you the consumer are saying that I live at this address, so please continue to ship my order of vitamins via priority mail rate every month until I long into my account, and change the credentials. Life happens, and two weeks your job notifies you that you will be reassigned from your location in Provo, Utah to another location within the company in Maui, Hawaii, and now you haven’t had the opportunity to change your auto-ship location of your vitamins, you have put in a change-of-address, via the United States Postal Service, but now the company where you order the vitamins from have made a deal with FedEx, and now they’re the preferred shipper so FedEx is now delivering your vitamins, and you moved three months ago from Provo, Utah to your new home in Maui, Hawaii, so your vitamins are going to continue to be shipped to Provo, Utah until you go to the website, and change your auto-ship location.

The unique thing about the Postal Service is like a boomerang they return to your home six days a week with mail, or a package that you might have ordered off of Ebay, unlike other logistical providers who only come for the sole purpose of delivering a package once a week, or twice a week, but never everyday like the Postal Service, and quite often if a package is left at a residence where a customer has moved from, chances are the Postal Carrier will inform the other logistical carrier that the customer has moved, that’s the effect of communication, and by sharing and working together all logistical companies can deliver more efficiently by helping each other, but often under pressure drivers rarely have time to communicate because of tight delivery schedules.