Barcode lined out on your envelope…Special instructions… - I Want My Mail

Barcode lined out on your envelope…Special instructions…

Have you ever received a letter, or even a large envelope that appears to have a sharpie that has marked through it on the bar code at the bottom, or top of the envelope?  This is done so that the letter, or magazine can be pointed back in the right direction.  A letter mailed in Miami, with a destination of Miami, can sometimes take up to a week to deliver if the wrong bar code is entered, or the sender doesn’t put in the correct zip code, so if the sender is unsure about the zip code, or street name it’s best to try to contact the individual before sending the package, or letter, and etc.
Questions have been asked regarding the Special instructions features on the registration page of the website.  So I will go into detail regarding this feature of the website,  Special instructions are for individuals who might have young children at home who are sleeping, or taking a nap during the day, and the user simply enters in the special instructions box for example:  Children sleeping, please don’t ring doorbell during the hours of 7a.m.-3p.m., this information will help logistical carriers to realize not to ring the customers doorbell, but to simply knock on the door gently to not awake the children.  A person who is disabled, or elderly might take longer to get to the door, so they can enter into the special instructions feature that they’re disabled and it might take longer to get to the door, this feature can help a logistical company deliver a package versus leaving a notice, not knowing that the customer is inside of the house, and the logistical company saves money, and time on fuel having to return to redeliver an item that if they knew that if they would have waited an extra 30 seconds, the delivery could have been made.
All businesses don’t open at the same time, so businesses can use the feature to let logistical companies know what time that they’re open during the week, or if they’ll be closing earlier for a company function such as a Christmas party, or training event.  This can help a customer going to the business to pick up a package save time if they know that the business will be closing an hour earlier because of a special event versus driving 30 minutes, and not receiving the item that you drove across town to receive.  Most logistical companies don’t necessarily look at the time that the business opens, when they have the item, they’re simply doing their job to deliver a service, but this feature can help save time, if the logistical company will be able to see what time the business is opening instead of making a wasted trip not knowing that the business is opening two hours later than normally scheduled.
Special instructions can help military members as well, who might be deployed, and are out at sea, or stationed somewhere in the world where access to  mail may quite take longer to receive than normal, and this service can relay the message to the sender that the member could possibly be deployed in a war zone, so it relays the message to the credit card company that the service member might not be able to have access to the internet to make a payment, or the ability to receive mail because of the dangerous location of their position for a two week time period, this can essentially relay the message to credit card companies not to charge the service member late fees in the event that the service member is ever facing this type of scenario.
Theft is also a major issue during this time period, and the special instructions tab can be used for a customer to enter to leave my package on the side porch versus the front porch, because it’s secure, and strangers can’t see the side porch from the street, or they could enter that to leave the item behind the fence, there aren’t any dogs, but one must  listen and use commonsense in the event that a barking dog is heard behind the gate.
Special instructions can be updated, or changed at anytime 24/7, this feature is customer, and business friendly, it’s purpose is to make service better between the customer, and the logistical companies, or any registered member of