Why putting your name, and apartment number inside of your mailbox matters when receiving mail, and packages. As a newlywed couple you, and your spouse have decided to move into a new upscale apartment development in Miami,Florida off of 17489 Flamingo Bird Dr., and your apartment number is 1412, the Mailman has a note posted by the box to put your last name inside of your mailbox with your apartment number, but you, and your spouse decide due to privacy concerns that you will not comply with what the Postal Carrier has requested, and two weeks later a package comes to your address from Victoria Secret with your first name Sharon, with your address, but the apartment number is left off, so the Postal Carrier goes to the office to see if they can locate who Sharon is, and the Apartment Manager at the Flamingo tells you that there are 25 other residents who have the first name of Sharon, and that they don’t want to hold the package to figure out who ordered the package from Victoria Secret, so guess what, the package is going to get returned to the sender because the address is insufficient. If you have a Luxer box inside of your apartment complex, without an apartment number, and a last name the same scenario would apply because 25 other residents have the exact same first name, and when there are over 700 more residents who are receiving mail, and packages at the apartment complex, your package will easily be returned because you failed to provide a sufficient address, and name criteria for the delivery merchant to deliver your package. Why is something so simple so hard for people? It’s your responsibility to make your delivery merchants job easier, and for you to receive mail, and packages that you spent time online to order, it doesn’t have to be that difficult, and with everything that is going on in the world that we live in, putting your name, and apartment number inside of your mailbox, could save your life, when you receive the medication that you ordered last week, and you’re down to your last pill. Why putting your name, and apartment number inside of your mailbox matters when receiving mail, and packages. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

Despite the dangers of COVID-19, porch pirates are still looking to steal your packages. This statement might sound crazy, but with the recent stay at home policy being enforced around the country as we deal with the many dangers of the Coronavirus, porch pirates are taking advantage of the opportunity with more individuals staying at home, and ordering items off of websites, since many fear that local grocery stores will have people shopping, and they want to avoid crowds, and the potential for a greater chance of contracting the Coronavirus, and also wanting to continue to practice the rules of social-distancing. Some people fear seeing delivery drivers, so they will often wait until the delivery driver has left their property to make the decision to open up their door to retrieve the package, but you might get busy, and simply forget that the item was left on your porch, and decide an hour later to open up your door to retrieve your item that the Amazon driver left for you, a ping, and photo have been left on your email with details of the delivery, so after checking your email, you head downstairs to get your package of toilet paper, and other items that the Amazon driver has left for you, and like a magician, your items have disappeared into the hands of an opportunistic porch pirate. What can be done to stop the theft of your packages if you’re at home, if you know that the delivery will be at night, leave a light on, porch pirates like to operate in stealth mode, and they don’t like to be seen, if your door bell is rang, check to see if it’s someone that your recognize for your safety, and once you see that there’s a delivery truck in your sight, it’s probably safe to open your door to retrieve your items. If your package requires a signature most delivery services are practicing social distancing, and with your authorization will sign for the item for you, but you have to physically be present, unless the item has a waiver of signature. If your porch has a barrier, request that the driver leave the item where it can’t be seen from the street, because if a porch pirate can’t see the item, more than likely they will not take the chance on walking up on a porch, and having to stare into a camera that could potentially record them committing a crime. Stay safe everyone, protect yourself, wear gloves, wash, and clean your hands, stay at home, and away from crowds if possible to prevent from contracting the Coronavirus. Despite the dangers of COVID-19, porch pirates are still looking to steal your packages. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

The changing world of the delivery of packages, and mail during the Covid-19 crisis! So much has changed over the last month with the spread of the Covid-19 crisis, that we will have to adjust with our new way of life, until a solution is found to control, and contain this dangerous virus from spreading across the world from city to city, and nation to nation. As people continue to stay home, essential personnel will have to continue to work in these hazardous conditions, so being courteous to delivery personnel can go a long way during these difficult times. People will continue to work from home, so ordering items via the Internet will continue to grow as the days, and weeks continue to grow with the scare of the Covid-19 virus, and more people will continue to stay home, and more schools will continue to be shut down, as society begins to practice more social distancing, and wear protective gloves, and masks to protect their health from this dangerous virus, but don’t forget about protecting your eyes as well by wearing protective eye gear. When ordering packages online, and you have recently moved it’s important to check to see if you have updated your account with your new address, because if you haven’t, and you click the order button, then your order will go to your old address, and if you haven’t submitted a change of address with the U.S. Postal Service, then your item will go to your old address, and you will have to deal with your item, or items being returned to the sender, because you have no change of address on file. There have been recent reports of customers seeing delivery personnel, and running back into their house because they fear that delivery personnel are carriers of the Coronavirus, but if that were the case their employers wouldn’t allow these personnel to come to work sick, or infected, remember delivery personnel care about their health just as much as you care about yours. Courtesy goes a long way! The changing world of the delivery of packages, and mail during the Covid-19 crisis! www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

Ordering packages at an Airbnb location. Airbnb is, and has become a trend for many people who don’t want to stay at traditional hotels around the world, individuals go online, and look,and search for locations in the city that they’re traveling to, and based on reviews of the properties that they’re searching for they make a decision on what property that they will stay in, as well as the number of days that they’ll be residing at the location. Sometimes people forget items, or they decide to shop online before they leave their home, and they will order items to come to the Airbnb location that they’ll be staying in for one week, and they put down the correct address, but they put the zip code down wrong, so when this occurs it can cause a delay in your package getting to the Airbnb location that you’re staying at, so the Amazon driver decides to leave the item by the mailboxes instead of leaving the item by your door, so you the customer doesn’t think to check to see what name is on the package by the mailboxes because you assume that the delivery merchant will leave the item by the door at the apartment that you’re renting for the week while your on vacation with your family. Saturday has arrived, and now it’s time for you to check out of the location, and since the location doesn’t require a code for entry, you notice that the package that was laying by the mailboxes for 4 days is now gone, a porch pirate has been watching everyday, and has decided that the package is fair game since no one has claimed it for the last 4 days. What can be done to prevent this in the future? Normally when Amazon leaves a package, they’ll take a photograph of the location, and you’ll receive a notification, or email, once this happens you should go immediately to the landmark where the package was left, if you see mailboxes in the background of the photo, then chances are the package is sitting in front of the mailboxes. If you see an package, that you ordered sitting in front of mailboxes that is from Amazon, it doesn’t hurt to take a look at the package to see if it belongs to you, if it’s not yours, then simply place the item back to where it was left. If the package is an auto-shipped item, remember it’s your responsibility to change your address back to your home location, because if you don’t the item will continue to go to the last address that you entered. Ordering packages at an Airbnb location, use precaution, think smart. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

If you don’t check your mail, it can be returned. Normally your letter carrier will give you a 10 day grace period to clean out your mailbox if it’s stuffed full of mail. If you live at your residence, and you come home on a daily basis, then you should make it a priority to check your mailbox. Why should you check your mailbox? You order things online, and sometimes a small item that will fit in your mailbox will be left inside of your mailbox in the event that you’re not at home, and also to prevent porch pirates from stealing your item that will fit inside of your mailbox instead of being placed outside for potential theft. If your apartment complex has parcel lockers, the letter carrier will leave the key inside of your mailbox, so if you get a ping on your cellphone notifying you that the item was left inside of a parcel locker, then you should check your box for the key, because the letter carrier will put the key in your box so that it’s visible for you to see, and you have to look at the code on the key to see, which parcel locker that your package is in, and simply insert the key, and turn it, and the door will open for you to receive your package. If you travel a lot, it’s important to put in a hold mail request, because if you’re out of town for 3 weeks on business, then more than likely your box will become full, and mail could be returned to the sender, and ordering items could become a problem as well if your shipper doesn’t know that you travel, and they send the item, and the logistics driver leaves the item at your door, and packages begin to pile up, and after several days, a porch pirate will figure out that you’re not at home, and now you have given them an easy opportunity to steal your packages. If you have a neighbor that you trust, let them know that your going out of town, and to pick up all packages for you, and if you really trust them, leave them your box key to pickup your mail so that your mailbox will not become stuffed with mail, it works even better if you have a relative living in the same apartment complex, get them to check your mail for you. If you don’t check your mail, it can be returned. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

The unidentifiable house, with a package. What exactly does this mean? Well, you book a vacation, and while on your vacation, you decide to order an item from Amazon.com, and you only put your first name, Chris, on the package, and your address 30214 Coolmint Dr. Colgate, WI 53017. Amazon sends an email to your address notifying you when the item will be delivered, and you receive a ping that the item was left at your address, but when you get home from work, you notice that the item, nor the photo that was sent to your email address isn’t your porch where the item was left. The previous summer you decided to have your house numbers removed from your house, since you don’t live in an, Home Owners Association neighborhood, and your curb doesn’t have your address painted on the outside to identify your house. Amazon, informs you that they will re-deliver your item the next day, but how do you fix this problem from happening in the near future? One of the first things that you should do is put your entire name on a package, this could help a delivery driver recognize if they’re at the right house, or not, because a doormat with Johnson on it will more than likely be for Chris Johnson if you’re at 30214 Coolmint Dr., rather than at 31214 Coolmint Dr., and the doormat says, “did you bring tacos!” The painted curb with the address makes a difference especially when your item is being delivered at night, because if a house doesn’t have numbers on it, one of the first things that a delivery driver will do is to walk out, and look at the curb to see if there’s a number on it to help identify the house that has a package for delivery. Reflective numbers on houses also make difference, so if the number can be seen, you have a better chance for a successful delivery instead of a misdelivered package. The unidentifiable house, with a package. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

A closed business should never have to deal with a left package. What exactly does this mean for logistics companies who deliver packages to businesses on a daily basis? Sometimes a vendor will leave a message on a package that states, “scan item, and deliver the package!” The common sense approach must kick in when attempting to deliver a package to a business that is closed, because a package that is left by a business that is closed is nothing more that an invitation for a porch pirate to steal the package that is left in broad daylight, also if the weather conditions aren’t favorable it could be an item that is perishable, or an item that has value, for example if it’s something that is left outside of a jewelry store for example, a thief will not care what the outside of the package looks like, all that they’re concerned about is what’s inside of the box that matters to them. If the item states to leave the item, then if the business has a good relationship with their next door business neighbor, and the item doesn’t require a signature, then this could possibly be a safer alternative than leaving the item outside of the door of a closed business. For delivery companies look for factors that make common sense such as, the owner leaves a sign that states closed for the week while on vacation, then your company should use common sense to wait until the following week to redeliver the item, normally the business owner will inform the delivery merchant if something like this will occur, but in the event that they forget to inform your company, look for signs that tell you that the business is currently closed such as closed for the next three days, or new hours opening later, instead of 11a.m., now opening up at 3p.m., this can reduce package theft, and help improve the relationship between logistics companies, and business owners. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

The corner lot with two addresses. In the real estate world, the corner lot is normally the most sought after lot when people are looking for the most value in their real estate purchase, of course other factors come into play such as the square footage of the house, and having a swimming pool, and other added features. Some people who choose to buy corner lots, will sometimes prefer to use two different addresses, for example if their address is 4400 Greenbury Drive, and the cross street is the 6400 block of Pineberry Street, and the customer has their mailbox on the side of the street parallel with Pineberry Street, and they choose to use the address of 6440 Pineberry Street to receive mail, and packages, then to avoid problems with mail, and packages, it’s in the customers best interest to have both addresses on the curb of the street, because delivery personnel will look at the house, and the curb for identifying signs of where to deliver a package, and if you only have one address that identifies your home, then this could cause your package to not get delivered to your house, because the delivery driver will assume that 6440 Pineberry Street doesn’t exist because there isn’t anything that associates this address with 4400 Greenbury Drive, so it’s the responsibility of the customer to identify their house with markers that both of the addresses are related to the same house, and whenever you decide to sell your home, and you have mail coming for both addresses, it’s your responsibility to put in a change of address for both addresses, because if you leave out one address in favor of the other, then your mail could be returned to the sender, and if you auto-ship items using both addresses, it’s your responsibility to go online, and correct both of these addresses to change them both to your new address, as well as calling your respective credit card companies to inform them that you have moved to a new address. The corner lot with two addresses. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

Employers mailing out W-2 forms with their former address. This happens more than what we would like to think, but businesses normally move, because it’s the end of their lease, their former landlord has sold the property to a new owner, and if the tenant is on a month to month lease then if they don’t agree with the new owners rental increase, then they decide to find a new location, and vacate the premises. During this time of the year employees wait for their employer to send out their W-2 forms so that they can go to the tax preparer of their choice to get their taxes done before the deadline of April 15, unless you request an extension for a later date to submit your taxes to the I.R.S., and they receive your request, and grant permission for the extension to be carried out. Employers that move, after you submit, a change of address for your company, it’s important to use your new address so for example if your old address was 9755 Maplegreen Rd., Camden, Arkansas 71701, and you move your business to 1855 Hogs Way Blvd., Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702, then you would need to use your new address when mailing out W-2 forms to your employees, because in the event that one of your former employees decides that they don’t want to leave Camden, Arkansas, but they move, and don’t submit a change of address, then the W-2 form that you submitted will be returned to the sender, and if you used the old address at 9755 Maplegreen Rd., instead of the new address at 1855 Hogs Way Blvd., then your mail will bounce around, and it will go back to your old address, and if you failed to submit a change of address for your business then the W-2 form that you mailed out to your former employee, will become dead mail, and the Postal Service will handle the mail accordingly at a facility in Atlanta, Georgia. Remember if you order items off of the internet, you must update your account to let merchants know that you have moved, because auto-shipment will continue until you update your account. Employers mailing out W-2 forms with their former address. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

The package doesn’t belong to my address! How often does this happen? It probably happens everyday of the week, you go on the internet on your smartphone, and order an item that you have been waiting for to go on sale, you click on the item, and enter your address credentials, along with your credit card credentials, and you receive confirmation that you order is being processed. Most courier services will send you confirmation that they have been assigned with delivering your item, and you track the item when you receive the notification that the item is out for delivery, and that it’s on the truck with the courier service. You got out shopping, and then your cellphone is pinged, notifying you that your item has been delivered to your address, so you leave the store headed home, to find out that the package that has been left outside of your home, doesn’t belong to you, so you call the vendor to ask, where is my package? The vendor attempts to calm you down, and normally will look up the item to find out where the package was left, most delivery services have GPS technology, and if the driver is still in the area, and if the customer is honest where the item was left, then normally the driver will attempt to retrieve the item, and deliver it to the correct address, in the case of Amazon, they will normally tell the customer that they will resend the item out the very next day to avoid the hassle of going back to the location where the package was misdelivered. What happens if you receive a package that doesn’t belong to you? Find out who the delivery courier was, because if the Postal Service didn’t deliver the item, then normally the Postal Service will not pick up an item that was misdelivered by a FedEx, UPS, DHL, or an Amazon driver, and etc., you have to call the company that delivered the item. Normally you can go online to the delivery merchants website, and you can send an email in regards to a package that was misdelivered, and the steps to follow for the delivery service to retrieve the item that was misdelivered, or you can call the 800 number of the delivery service as well if you don’t prefer sending an email. The package doesn’t belong to my address! www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!