Getting a divorce, and changing your name back to your maiden name. Most couples when they get married plan on staying together forever, but sometimes things don’t always workout the way that they are planned, and couples separate, and sometimes in time they reconcile, but in the event of no reconciliation, divorce papers are filed, and sometimes the spouse will decide that they want to change their name back to their maiden name. So in the event of the husband having the last name of Rogers, the ex-wife wants to reclaim her maiden name of Jones. So the first step that needs to happen is the soon to be Ms. Jones will need to talk to Human Resources at her job to get her name changed in the system, as well as going to the county courthouse with the divorce decree, and talk with the social security office to inform them that her name is going to be changed back to her maiden name, and to present the appropriate documents to make this happen, as well as going to the drivers license department to have her name changed on her driver’s license as well. Once the real estate that was owned by the couple is sold Ms. Jones needs to fill out a change of address form as an individual in her former married name of Rogers, and an entire family name in her soon to be maiden name of Jones, so that all of her mail will be forwarded to her new address, if there are children involved, and say for example Ms. Jones was married previously, and the child’s last name is Sanchez, then a change of address should be filed in the child’s name as well, because if the child is in school, and a report card, or progress report is mailed to the house, then in order for Ms. Jones to receive the report, a change of address must be on file for the child as well, but it’s also important to notify the school of any address changes as well so that the parent, who is the legal guardian will receive information on a timely basis. Getting a divorce, and changing your name back to your maiden name. More than just a blog!
