Having credit cards mailed to your home for employees. Why would an employer do this? The best solution for a problem like this would be to have the cards sent to your place of employment, unless you have trust issues with receiving mail at your place of employment. Normally for security purposes, credit card companies will need unique information about the individual, who will be receiving a credit card from the merchant such as date of birth, social security number, your home address, and the ability to answer three security questions to correctly identify, and authenticate your account in the event that your card becomes compromised, lost, stolen, or falls into the hands of a hacker in the event of a security breach. You own a company that is a medical consulting company called Top Med Consulting, inside of your mailbox you have your name, Dr. Tim Harris, M.D., and your girlfriend also lives with you by the name of Bria Thompson, so on your mailbox label you include your last names of Harris, Thompson, and the name of your medical consulting company, and you specify that no other names receives mail at this address, but the credit cards that you ordered for your employees arrive and in the names of Samantha Simpson, and Riley Thomas, if you don’t update your list of names inside of your mailbox, you could run into a problem such as their mail being returned to the sender, because the letter carrier is trying their best to follow the names that you have inside of your box, who receive mail at your address. In the event that one of the employees decides to leave the company for another opportunity will you remember to close out the credit card, because if you forget, and the employee is disgruntled they could potentially run up charges on the card that you authorized for them to have because you established with the credit card that your home of record was where the credit card bills were to be sent. Remember, having credit cards mailed to your home for employees could be a gamble like Las Vegas, you could crap out. www.iwantmymail.com
