Here at we believe that customer’s should have options, and the past and present resident’s option is a service that is offered that will save you time, and hopefully the ability to receive all of your correct mail everyday. How much of a headache is it to move, and you continue to receive someone else’s mail who has moved over 3 years ago? With the past and present resident’s option you can enter your information as being the present resident, and you can enter the former resident’s address information if you know them, or you can simply enter their first, and last name so that merchants, and billing companies will know not to send mail to your address with that person’s name ever again, not to say that it will not happen again, but the option is there, and you have the ability to use it, all that you simply have to do is setup your account for free, and proceed to use the many options that are available on, this option also works if your a college student, and you’re moving onto campus, and you have your dorm room, but you keep receiving mail for a student who graduated last year, and you only want to receive your mail. If you’re getting out of the military this is a great option for you as well, because the military mail system is different from the Postal Service system, and surprisingly some military members state that they receive mail at their former commands sometimes two, or more years after they have left, but remember a change of address is only good for one year, so as long as you have your account setup a friend or relative will be able to find you on this site, but they will not be able to see your address, they will only see your email so that they can contact you if they feel like they know you, and of course they must be a member as well. Have a great week!
