Paying attention to your doorbell can save your packages from porch pirates. Normally, when the doorbell is rung, most people if they’re not expecting company, will simply not go to the door to see who the person ringing the doorbell is, they will normally assume that someone is trying to solicit something that they want to sell, when it could be a USPS, FedEx, UPS, Amazon, DHL driver, and etc., trying to notify you that you have a package that has been left at your residence, or it requires a signature to verify that you have received something that is valuable, and the merchant wants to ensure that you have signed for the accountable item. Normally if you don’t come to the door, and the item requires a signature, the delivery driver will leave a notice for you to pick-up the item the next day, or you can sign the item leaving the driver authorization to leave the item the next day if they’re required to attempt the delivery a second time. Why don’t people come to the door when the doorbell is rung?
1. They’re watching t.v., and don’t want to answer the door.
2. They’re not expecting company, and they figure it’s someone trying to solicit, or sell something.
3. They’re talking on the phone, or working on their computer, or could be attending a Zoom meeting, and don’t want to be disturbed.
There are several other factors that could be listed, but often when a package is left, and the package is scanned by the delivery driver, your cellphone is pinged notifying you that an item has been left at your residence, and if you ignore the message, there could be a porch pirate in your neighborhood waiting for the delivery driver to leave so that they can walk up, and grab your package with no issues. Wearing masks has made porch pirates theft even easier because of COVID-19 most people will assume that they’re being safe, when it’s your package that they want. Paying attention to your doorbell can save your packages from porch pirates. More than just a blog!