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Taking a closer look at your mail, can save you time, and money. Stimulus payments are coming in the form of a white envelope, that doesn’t have Department of the Treasury on the outside of the envelope, so when most people see this, they automatically assume that when they feel the envelope, and feel a card inside of the envelope that it could be another credit card offer that they’re not interested in entertaining at the moment, you think that your stimulus check is coming in the form of a paper check since you didn’t file with direct deposit when you filed for your income tax return, or if you had to pay back the federal government, or the I.R.S., in taxes you simply wrote a check to pay off the amount that was owed to the I.R.S., so while waiting for that check to arrive for your stimulus deposit, you get the white envelope in the mail, that without hesitation you decide to cut up the card thinking that it’s just another credit card offer, when as a matter of fact, you just cut up the debt card that the Department of Treasury is sending to millions of Americans through the mail to activate, and use the debit card as a pre-paid deposit for you if your single, and also a joint card if your married. What can be done to improve the process, like social security checks, or retirement checks the mail should be appropriately labeled so that people will not think that the mail is junk mail, but the mail is coming in a first class envelope, but people don’t always look at this when they decide to open up their mail, if it’s labeled, Department of Treasury debit card, or stimulus debit card enclosed then people will not be so judgmental to throw away a debit card that could provide some type of financial help during the COVID-19 pandemic. Taking a closer look at your mail, can save you time, and money. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

Parcel lockers for your home, and the security of your packages. With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to transform lives across the world, porch piracy has continued to rise with a lot of families, and individuals who are shopping online instead of going into the brick and mortar stores to practice social distancing, and not having to deal with human contact, and the possibility of being exposed to the coronavirus. Porch pirates have caught on to the trend, and are beginning to follow delivery vehicles to wait for the opportunity for the USPS carrier, UPS driver, FedEX driver, DHL, and Amazon driver, and etc., to leave a package on a porch, and after there is no response, and no camera in sight to track their activity, they simply walk up, and steal the package, and head to the next house, or apartment, or business to see if they can accomplish the same thing, without being caught. To counter porch piracy some residents are turning to parcel lockers that the delivery driver, or mail carrier is given a code by the resident to unlock the parcel locker to place the parcel inside to protect the package from porch piracy. If the code is entered wrong, an alarm is sounded off by the parcel locker, in particular the craftsmen parcel locker, once the correct code is entered the lid will pop up, and you place the parcel in the locker, and close the lid, and the parcel locker is locked, and can only be opened once the owner enters the correct code to retrieve the parcel. The problem with this is that every delivery driver doesn’t have the code, and all parcels aren’t the same size, some items are bigger, and bulkier, so a bigger parcel locker could be required if you’re looking to secure all of your packages, but porch pirates don’t like carrying large items around especially if they don’t belong in the neighborhood, and since the pandemic has been in place since March, more people are at home, and more people are walking, and exercising in their neighborhoods. One of the companies helping residents, and businesses in the fight against porch piracy is www.thelandport.com They specialize in parcel lockers for your home, and business. Parcel lockers for your home, and the security of your packages. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

Living together, but not married can have an effect on your mail, and packages when you move. Sometimes couples decide to try living together before they decide to get married, and depending on how long they decide to rent a house, duplex, or apartment, when the lease is up, they will either decide to renew the lease for another year, or they will pay extra to go from month to month depending on what type of arrangement that they come into agreement with the leasing agent, or landlord. After the lease has expired the couple Holly Doe, and Ray Smallwood, who are both local professors at the University of Tulsa both have accepted jobs at the University of California Los Angeles, and have hired a local mover to move their goods out to their new location in Los Angeles. Holly Doe, approaches the mail carrier and asks for a PS Form 3575, which can be found in a local mover’s guide packet, and she fills out the form, and attaches the form to their mailbox detailing when the effective date is to start the change of address form, so that there will not be a delay in her receiving her mail, and packages. Ray Smallwood decides to wait, and states that he will fill out the form online, and after moving to Los Angeles, Ms. Doe immediately starts to receive her mail from their former location in Tulsa, Oklahoma, while Mr. Smallwood hasn’t received any mail, and after 15 days he decides to call the United States Postal Service to learn why he hasn’t received any mail, and learns that the carrier held his mail for 10 days, and now has returned his mail to the sender, because he never filled out a change of address form, or PS Form 3575. This can have an affect on late payments from credit card companies that could affect your credit score, so the important thing to remember is if you’re not married, as a couple, it’s your responsibility to fill out a PS Form 3575, and in the event that you order something that is auto-shipped, you have to go into your account online to change your shipping details. Living together, but not married can have an effect on your mail, and packages when you move. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

A package left out in the open is a porch pirate’s dream! It’s always amazing to see a package that is left out in the open for anyone that is walking by, or driving by to be able to see. Everyone doesn’t have integrity, and during this pandemic of COVID-19 people are desperate, and looking for an opportunity to steal something like a package that a delivery driver refused to take a couple of extra steps to walk up on the porch to hide the package from the view of the street, and potential porch pirates. So if a package is left out in the middle of an individual’s front yard, or walkway, chances are great that the delivery merchant didn’t bother to walk up on the porch to notify the resident that a delivery of a package has been made. Amazon, hires a lot of contractors to deliver their packages, so sometimes people will see them, and will be reluctant to come to the door when they’re attempting to deliver a package, and if you decide to wait for 15 minutes for them to leave before you come to your door to retrieve your package, a porch pirate could be gone with your item within 15 seconds of the delivery, especially if they don’t see a camera that could record them during their activities of porch pirating, and you the resident are left wondering what happened to the item that you ordered that a confirmation email with a photo stated that the item was left at your residence in the last 20 minutes. Going the extra few steps can make a difference for a customer, who works and spends their hard-earned money to order packages that they expect to be delivered in a professional manner, hiding a package behind a barrier is better than leaving a package in the front of a customers steps that everyone can physically see from the street. A package left out in the open is a porch pirate’s dream! www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

Stimulus checks, social distancing, your mail, and packages. The world has truly changed with the way that business is conducted on a global scale, social distancing is now the new norm. Going to a mail room to pickup your mail is no longer the same, because we must adhere to social distancing standards when going to a mail room to pick up our mail, and a mask is also appreciated by a letter carrier to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, so don’t be surprised if you go to the mail room to check your mail, and the letter carrier has the mail room taped off with a sign that says social distancing maintain six feet of distancing. The stimulus checks that the Trump Administration has put into effect are now hitting bank accounts, and mailboxes around the country, and having a good change of address on file, and your name inside of your mailbox can really make a difference between you receiving your stimulus check, or not having a good name inside of your mailbox can cause your stimulus check to get returned to the U.S. Treasury Department, so as a resident you have to take the responsibility to put your last name, and if your a married woman, your maiden name could make a difference as well inside of your mailbox, because if your married name is Jennings, and you have Jennings only inside of your mailbox, and your maiden name was White, and a stimulus check comes in the name of Betty White, instead of Betty Jennings, then your mail carrier could return the check, because they’re following the names inside of the box as saying, Jennings only, the same can be applied to having a relative visit your home for the summer, and they decide to order items online, when your last name is Smith, and their last name is Stokes, so update names inside of your box, or your items could be returned to the sender unless you communicate with your letter carrier, but sometimes your letter carrier goes on vacation, and their replacement might not be aware that a relative with a different last name is staying at your home for the summer. Regarding stimulus checks, times are difficult for a lot of people, but if your letter carrier tells you that they don’t have your stimulus check, then you will have to wait until it comes, unless you switch over to direct deposit, which is the most easiest way to ensure that your money is in your bank. Stimulus checks, social distancing, your mail, and your packages. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

Leaving a package in an apartment office versus a Luxer One parcel locker. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues more people will continue to be at home practicing social distancing, and browsing the internet to order more packages as the days of uncertainty of when things will return to normal will continue as the months progress. Sitting at your home you decide to order four items from your favorite websites, Victoria’s Secret, Gucci, Adidas, and you order your favorite NFL team jersey from the NFL shop store, all items are confirmed, and after you order the details of your order are sent to your email address that you have stored on file, the one important thing to remember about this is if you have moved, it’s your responsibility to update your address in the order details, because if you don’t take the time to do this your order could be shipped to your from address in Oakland, California, when you now live in Pensacola, Florida. So you have chosen two day shipping for your order from Adidas, your order was $488.92, so a large box has been shipped to your address, and the apartment office has a log book that the Postal Carrier must log into to leave the item in the office storeroom, but the office closes everyday at 5p.m., and you don’t get off from work until 6p.m., and it takes a 45 minute drive from your office to get to your luxury apartment complex, so you’ll have to wait until the weekend to go to the office to retrieve your package, and present identification to the office manager, to verify that you have a package that has been left by the Postal Carrier. The following week, the luxury apartment complex due to the overflow of packages that residents haven’t been able to retrieve due to various reasons decides to invest in Luxer One parcel lockers. The difference that they make are that it doesn’t matter what time that you get off from work, you simply go to the Luxer One parcel locker, and put in your credentials, and verify who you are, and the locker pops open for you to retrieve your item, the instant email with the location of your package makes it simple, efficient, and easy to locate your packages without having to worry about porch pirates stealing your items, and since your orders from Victoria’s Secret, Gucci, and the NFL shop store are all being delivered by UPS, the Luxer One parcel locker is big enough to fit all three items in the same parcel locker since all three items are being delivered to the same individual. Leaving a package in an apartment office versus a Luxer One parcel locker. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

Taking care of a loved ones mail, and packages in the event of death. With the recent pandemic of COVID-19 around the world there have been several unexpected deaths around the world. This pandemic doesn’t have an age limit, so it’s always better to plan ahead instead of waiting on the last minute to react to an unexpected death due to the coronavirus. What should you do if you lose a loved you due to this pandemic? One of the first things that you should do is to put in a forwarding order through the United States Postal Service, so that their mail will not continue to go to a house, or apartment, condo, or nursing home that is no longer occupied by your relative. If they have a recurring shipment from a merchant, you will need to stop this as well, because the shipment will continue to come periodically every two weeks, or however often that they set up their plan with the vendor. It’s also important to cancel all credit cards, because if you don’t they will continue to come to the residence, and if someone gets their hands on a credit card offer that offers a joint card holder someone who is dishonest could easily forge the signature of the deceased family member, and will abuse, and max out the credit card in a matter of months. If the deceased has a power of attorney, they need to be aware that the change of address doesn’t happen automatically, they’ll have to fill out the change of address form to stop mail from coming to the address where the deceased previously resided, unless a family member is going to move into the residence, and agrees to give the mail to the power of attorney. One key thing that a relative can do is to take down the mailbox at the residence, and normally without a mailbox the residence will be deemed vacant, unless someone is at the residence, and tells the letter carrier that they plan on occupying the residence, and they have submitted a change of address to forward their mail to their new address. Taking care of a loved ones mail, and packages in the event of death. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!

New apartment complex

The race for Luxer One boxes, between delivery merchants. Some might say that this sounds cliche, but the USPS, FedEx, UPS, Amazon, DHL, and any other delivery merchant all try to make it to apartment complexes first to be able to use Luxer One boxes to deliver packages to residents in apartment complexes, and luxury condos, the reason for this is the convenience of not having to walk packages up to individual doors, and the ability to scan the package, and for the customer to receive an email that the package is at their residence cuts out the ability for a porch pirate to steal a package that could have been left at your door. With the recent events of COVID-19, people are beginning to stay at home, and order more items off of the internet, and with Luxer One boxes, they cut out the need of leaving a package at the apartment office, because if a resident is traveling out of town, there could be a cluster of packages left in the office, and the Luxer One box eliminates this, but if the resident doesn’t pickup their package in a timely manner, there could be a shortage of boxes. One solution to create more Luxer One boxes would be to designate boxes individually between the delivery companies, but apartment complexes might not have the room, and they might not want to pay the price for separate boxes between delivery merchants, but as the COVID-19 pandemic continues there very well could be a need to add additional Luxer One boxes to apartment locations, because online shopping will continue to grow, and people feel more secure having an item left in a box that is secure, and that they can retrieve when they return to their home without having to wonder about a porch pirate walking up to their residence, and stealing your package. The way that the Luxer One boxes works between delivery merchants is, the first one at the box has access to all of the lockers, so it might not seem fair to a delivery merchant when their counterpart has put 35 small packages in medium sized lockers because they don’t want to deliver the smaller items to the residents door, versus the other delivery merchant needing 15 medium sized lockers that are no longer available because they didn’t get to the location first. The early delivery gets the locker, as they say, no pun intended for the worm. The race for Luxer One boxes, between delivery merchants. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!