The babysitter is using your address to receive packages at your address. How often does this happen? Probably more than you would think. Some of the reasons that the babysitter might use your address to receive packages at your address might be to reduce the threat of porch piracy, because when a package is delivered to your home, and the doorbell is rung, the babysitter can go to your door immediately to retrieve the item, depending on where they might live they might feel that having their packages sent to your address might be safer than having the items delivered to their house, because if they’re gone for at least 10 hours per day 5 days out of the week babysitting for you, and your family then this leaves the opportunity for a porch pirate to steal their packages left unattended at their home. If your babysitter is going to use your address, they should be added to the list of residents who are going to receive mail at your house, because they might use your address for their billing information, and if you have your name inside of your mailbox as Greenwood family only, then someone with the last name of Doe might have their packages sent back because your letter carrier could be going by the last name of the family only receiving mail at your address, FedEx, UPS, Amazon, DHL, and other delivery merchants might simply go by the name that is attached to the address to deliver the package, or packages to the address where you receive your mail. If the babysitter decides to move then they will need to fix their address, with their credit card company in the event that they have setup auto-shipping that is going to the address of their former employer, because if they don’t fix their address then the item could be returned to the sender. The babysitter is using your address to receive packages at your address. More than just a blog!
